Improvisation at work
When you are on stage and you must spontaneously create a story without a script, costumes, props, or any kind of preparation the only support you have to build with is your partner. You must therefore know how to collaborate with this person in an efficient and constructive way.
These skills can also apply to the relations between team members in the workplace. Improvisation offers simple and practical tools that can instantly improve work relations. What's more the learning process is fun, non-judgmental and improves team morale.
Since 1999 Mark has taught improvisation techniques in the corporate sector. He has developed a range of improvisation workshops specifically designed for corporate clients. Topics he has worked on include: Status relations, Managerial relations, Team spirit, Team communication.
Mark has been quoted as a reference for creativity in the corporate sector in the book "Les secrets des entrepreneurs de la Silicon Valley: Innover pour devenir leader" by Guillaume Villon de Benveniste.
Contact Mark to find out more about his corporate improvisation workshops.

Some of the companies Mark has worked with...